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Week of March 7, 2016

Student of the Week: Khloe!

  • We will explore our home state of Florida.

  • We will review the short vowel sounds (a= apple, e= egg, i= igloo, o= octopus, u= umbrella).

  • Remember to return library books on Friday! Library books are to stay in your child’s backpack when they are not being read (librarian’s rule).

  • Please remember to save and send in “Box Tops.” I give out a Popsicle on Fridays when students send in 10 Box Tops. Box Top money goes directly to our classroom.


    • Our new words are: where, there, be, so. Please review all of the words daily!

    • Sea World field trip is Friday. We will send home a sheet of important reminders on Thursday in the agenda. We are asking that you plan to be in the DSA parking lot by 6:10 P.M. but do not be alarmed if the bus runs late.

Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz


Married Letters/Blends
ng, sh, ch, th


Special Rules:

ck (use after a short vowel)


Vowels combinations:

To say “A”: ai, ay,

To say “I”: ie, y

To say “O”: oa, ow
To say “U”: ew, eu  

To say “E”: ee, ea, ey


Kindergarten Words:

 can, my, the, school, I, it, at, apple, and, down, am toy, like, boy, girl, house, cat, go, we, coats, on, to, you, see, in, have, a tree, will, are, said, hill, up, did, of, rabbit, dog, cow, pig, sheep, two, car, do, egg, what, three, no, bed, look, window, four, come, came, all, red, play, father, mother, top, game, run, not, out, he, went, funny, away, big, help, milk, does, make, blue, for, with, me, one, little, is, chair, baby, papers, shoes, ring, ball, birds, airplane, chair, baby, papers, shoes, find, get, but, they, fish, sun, boat, want, flowers, watch, table, doll, where, there, be so

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